Consultants choosing safety and modern doors for living space

(HALO GROUP) – Apartments with the advantages of living space, living facilities and investment costs are many people choose. Interior furniture in apartments is increasingly diverse. So, customers are particularly interested. In particular, door with many types make many people wondering when to choose.
There are many types of doors, doors in rooms, windows of apartments, diverse materials, design and cost. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. We will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each type of door. Depending on the conditions and purpose of use, homeowners can choose the most suitable product for the home interior.

Wooden doors
There are two main wooden door industrial door and natural door. In particular, industrial door is popular in the apartment, because of low cost and variety of designs.
However, the main ingredients are wood powder mixed with glue and additives, then laminated under high temperature and high pressure forming sheet material, so the industrial door is not water resistant, not high strength. When exposed to moist or watery environments, the wood tends to swell and be prone to decay, especially the edge of the wood and the corners.

Industrial doors are warped during use
The second product group is natural wood door with solid structure, high durability in years. Although the model is not as diverse as industrial wood, natural wood is always considered luxury, bringing the class beauty to the house.
However, with the increasing scarcity of timber, natural wood doors are expensive. Wooden doors are heavy and can be sagged, warping under the influence of environmental temperature changes if not thoroughly processed before processing. Therefore, this type of door is not preferred by many homeowners for their apartments.

Aluminum door
This product is mainly used for window or door category because of the affordable price and large glass walls help living space become close to nature. Aluminum glass doors normally have many disadvantages such as weak structure, not tight, easy to leak rain water, not able to sound insulation.

Fireproof steel door
This type of door has the main function is fireproof, prevent fire spread in buildings, minimize damage in the event of a fire. This type of door is currently used a lot in the apartment in the exit area, the stairs door ... A few families also use this door as the main door to bring the type of safety for the family, It is not popular due to its low design and aesthetics.

Fire resistant steel doors is safety but not beautiful
Wood grain door
Made from steel, the wood grain door is also fire retardant and high durability, this product also has advantage with a highly aesthetic. Three-layer wooden door design: 2 outer layers are made of galvanized electrostatic coating, the middle layer is Honeycomb paper. This compound has good sound insulation, good temperature insulation and increased stiffness for the doors. Pattern is pressed on hydraulic press trough 3,000 tons bring fine beauty and create hard for the door.
In addition to the remarkable safety features, the wooden door is still cheaper than natural wood door. On the door also has multi-point lock system, locks light locks, electric bell, mirror, anti-noise rubber gaskets ... bring convenience to the user with many highlights, wooden doors are increasingly wooden many families choose.

Fire resistant steel doors are fire retardant and durable, bringing outstanding value for safety, elegance and modernity for the project.

However, because this type of door has a special function is fireproof, technical experts advise users when buying should check, select carefully. The product must have a certificate of fire prevention and fighting standard of the fire prevention police department, showing how long it can last for fire protection: 60 minutes, 90 minutes or 120 minutes, rubber seals ensure tightness. Prevent smoke coming through the door.

In general, each type of door has its own advantages and disadvantages. Good doors, safety and aesthetics are often accompanied by adequate investment. Choosing any door, the owner should also find out, choose the product of the prestige brand to ensure quality as well as the warranty, good after-sales in the process of use.

HALO GROUP provides all kinds of doors: wooden door, aluminum door, fire resistant wooden door, fire resistant steel door, ... and complete installation. A number of projects HALO GROUP supply and installation such as HimLam Cho Lon, Dong Nai General Hospital, ....

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